“Ask and you shall receive.”
I am in awe. We prayed for woodchips, and now I’m looking at a beautiful pile of woodchip gold in our driveway.
2.5 years ago we desired woodchips to create our Richard Perkins market style garden. One January day, Scott heard a woodchipper in our neighborhood, hunted them down and asked them if they’d be willing to drop them in our driveway, which they were more than happy to do!
Now, having moved and starting over with a garden, we once again desire wood chips. I have looked up tree trimmers in our area and they all charge for wood chips and the delivery. We decided to try the garden without them and use what we do have which is the abundance of leaves we have raked up. But the more we’ve created the garden beds, the more we see the value once again for wood chips. And we prayed, if God wanted to give us woodchips, He would provide them just like he did 2.5 years ago.
Well, yesterday was the day! I haven’t shared on this yet, but we have just purchased our house and 2.5 acres of land across the street that has a horse barn on it. A tree was leaning over the barn, so the sellers had tree trimmers come cut down two trees and viola, we have wood chips!!
Something so simple as wood chips and yet God knew the desire in our hearts for them. We didn’t have to chase or strive to get them. He simple provided.

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