Maybe it’s just me, but I rarely use my aloe plants with all of their amazing medicinal properties. With the exception of a burn… and even then, I now have a burn balm salve that I immediately go to.
But there are SO many benefits to aloe- especially for our skin- it’s so hydrating! Recently I have been much more intentional about picking a small piece of aloe, opening it up and smearing it all over my face in the morning. My plants are situated right by my morning chair, so it’s the perfect reminder.
What all do we already have access to in our home but aren’t stewarding because of a “lack” mindset. I say “lack” because I think the prime reason I never use my aloe more often is because I don’t want to “use it up” but have I ever used up an aloe plant? If anything I’ve done the opposite of not touching it!
Just something to ponder on- what do you already have that you can learn to steward well?
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